Just a quick note to announce that I am still on schedule to publish the first of my Brotherhood of Freeswords fantasy series, Journeyman, before the end of summer. The final edit is about half finished, the cover art is being created, meaning all I really need still do is draw a couple of maps.
And, no, I’m not worried about the fact that I can’t draw a straight line with the assistance of a ruler. Medieval maps were crude to begin with, so something somewhat childish would be in keeping with the lands in which Kileean O’Tamman lives.
Yeah, I mean even in modern maps, the only real straight lines are parts of borders to states/provinces/etc and then of course paved roads within cities/neighborhoods which I imagine in medieval times weren't near as neat and orderly and and the latter probably wasn't even mapped out because it wouldn't really need a map, ya know? Anyway lol sounds great! I haven't read a medieval fantasy in a while and coming from you, I know it's going to be great. Have fun ^_^